feel a piercing pain中文什么意思

发音:   用"feel a piercing pain"造句
  • feel:    vt. (felt; felt) 1 ...
  • piercing:    adj. 1.刺穿的,贯穿的;尖锐的 ...
  • pain:    n. 佩恩〔姓氏〕。
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  1. feel a dull pain 什么意思
  2. feel a little bit cold 什么意思
  3. feel a little confused about sth 什么意思
  4. feel a pain in the chest when breathing 什么意思
  5. feel a part of 什么意思
  6. feel a prick of conscience 什么意思
  7. feel a repugnance to 什么意思
  8. feel a repugnance to such people 什么意思
  9. feel a sensation of dizziness 什么意思
  10. feel a sense of security in her arms 什么意思


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